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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Strathcona County Sign Bylaw Saga

It is well known that I voted against the controversial sign bylaw. As councillor, I listened to numerous business owners and business owner-residents complain about the sign bylaw, about its’ lack of common sense, about the need to revisit it and review it attentively. I heard you and promised that once Mayor, I would continue to work hard to ensure this bylaw would be reviewed and amended.  I promised to ”revisit the sign bylaw to ensure fairness and business sense in the County."

On November 30, 2011, with Council in agreement, we directed Strathcona County Administration to report back to Council in January regarding amendments to Section 10, Sign Regulations of the Land Use Bylaw 8-2001.  We requested that they specifically address Sherwood Park & District Chamber of Commerce and the Alberta Portable Sign Association’s concerns relating to Portable Signs, Inflatable Signs, Window Signage, and Third Party Advertising.

Strathcona County Administration reported back to Council on January 11, 2011 with a detailed report based on the feedback they received.  (For more information visit: )

It is with great pleasure that I inform you that Council has decided to schedule a Public Hearing on February 8, 2011 for Bylaw 1-2011.

After having fought hard to get this bylaw reviewed, I am overjoyed to have been able, with the help of Council and a common sense approach, to finally reach this goal.

Even though I, personally, will not be present at the public hearing, you can rest assured of my 100% support of the revised bylaw.


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